Monday, February 27, 2012

Pool Opened For The Winter


  1. Oh how I wish our pool was open for winter. In another location with warmer temps, of course. :)

  2. I couldn't get the video to play on my computer. But I just wanted to let you know that I wish we had a pool that we could open in the winter.

  3. We've had such a mild winter this year, but I don't think I'm ready for the pool yet!

  4. I am in Texas so I really wish we had pools that where open as my son has been begging to go swimming.

  5. Great idea to open a pool in the winter. I too wish I could have it in my backyard :)

  6. Oh my goodness. My kids would love that. It's still too cold here.

  7. Wow lucky you. It would be far too cold in the uk to go outside swimming in feb/march lol

  8. haha I love when she says "Oh the pain!!!" Fun video

  9. Too cold here in Ohio to have a pool in the winter, although it was almost 70 here yesterday!

  10. My internet connection doesn't allow me to view videos, but I do wish I had a pool that I could open in the winter as well!

  11. If I had a pool, I would be swimming too but, it's still too cold in Michigan for that. Have Fun!

  12. Oh, the globe is so large...
    It was snowing in Athens a few days ago...

  13. omg, to am so envious you get to have the pool open in the winter even if the water is cold lol!!!

  14. It's supposed to be almost 80 today here in SC - I could go for a pool right now :)

  15. Thank you all for the kind and thoughtful comments. It saddens me to say that I am leaving this house since I can't afford to keep the electric on and the water service on.

  16. Oh my goodness, Tony! We live in Phoenix and our pools are still freezing. Your kids are adorable!

    Around My Family Table

  17. I really want a pool! I'll even just take a summer one, as it's freezing here in the Poconos in the winter. Well, except for this winter, it's been a little weird and very mild.

  18. This week it has been in the high 70s and low 80s here. I wish we had a pool because I would have been tempted to hop right in this week!

    Formula Mom

  19. Yesterday it was 70 degrees in Cincinnati, Ohio in February!!

    We had the windows open and I was craving the summer pool time!


  20. I live in Northern Michigan. We have been pelted with snow and freezing rain for the past two days. Your video makes me THINK SPRING!

    Thanks for sharing!

    1. Spring will be here soon..and so will the sweltering humidity

  21. It looks like so much fun....!

  22. My connection is too slow to watch video. Would love to have a pool like yours tho.

  23. Hahaha! Funny! You're obviously not in Canada! We're currently experiencing one of the nastiest snow storms ever, so I can even fathom jumping in a pool! Loved the video!

  24. Cute video! At this time of year, though, I don't think I would be tempted to go into a pool unless it was heated.

  25. No swimming here yet! The hot tub is nice though!

  26. aaaahhhhh.....nice image for all of us who struggled in one way or another with winter....

  27. I'm freezing now just watching that!

  28. We live in the south, but our pool is not even close to being swimmable just yet lol! You are brave!

    1. I got in a few days after her..midday of course, when the temps were a bit more higher.

  29. Nice pool. Kids are funny. Yay, she made it in!

  30. I think I too would have been hesitant to do so. This time of the year is the best time to visit the INDOOR pool near us. Not sure I would have jumped in to the outdoor one.

  31. Unfortunatly it is just a bit cold here in Poland for a swim unless you like to Polar swim!

  32. Yikes! Makes me cold just looking at it here up north! Glad she finally did it!

  33. Oh goodness, pool days... I have been staring at our pool for months wishing it was warm enough to swim. Your girl is brave to test the waters!

    1. lol..I tried to warn her..but she just kept on asking to get in the whole weekend.

  34. Oh, to be able to swim in a pool during the winter would be bliss!

  35. Looks like so much fun!! My kids would love if we had a pool.

  36. Where I live, we just got a foot of snow. Oh for weather warm enough to swim! :)

  37. I live in San Diego and even I don't swim the in winter! Your daughter must be very brave!

  38. As I look outside at the SNOW (here in Denver), I am just the teeniest bit jealous of you. Ok, that's a lie. Very very jealous!

  39. Jealous! Our home came with a pool, but we have yet to set aside the money to fix it up from the previous owners. It needs a new liner and possibly a new pump. Hopefully by this summer!

  40. My 11 year old got such a kick out of Kayla going for the first swim of the year.

  41. Here in MO, I don't have access to a free pool and haven't been swimming for almost 3 years. Very jealous. :)

  42. I dont do much swimming, but I did when I was a child. Your children are delightful. Sounds like you never have a dull moment around your house. Thanks for sharing such a fun time!!!

  43. I loved when we lived in OH. We had a community center there that had an awesome indoor pool. It was great to take the kids there in the winter.

  44. Can't wait to take the kids swimming this year. Where we live that will still be a few more months.

  45. I would love to have a pool but would be afraid of my littles falling in. I love swimming but hate having to wear a swimsuit.

  46. My daughter is ready to got to the pool! She wore her bathing suit all afternoon today.

  47. I can't imagine how cold it is. But she seems enjoying it.

  48. I miss my country. We don't have to wait for summer to swim in an outdoor pool or beach.

  49. We have a community pool but it is only open in the summer. But we travel a lot for my husband's work and this time we are in Iowa. We have a pool here at the hotel we are staying at. We love it. My 4 year old is swimming like a fish.

    Thanks for sharing!

  50. does your pool have a heater? we peeps in the north usually have heaters in ours

  51. It's been such a mild winter, I'm betting there are several pools still in use! Thanks for sharing!


  52. LOL! Glad she finally got in. I would love to put in a pool where we live and I have actually researched the "natural" swimming pools that don't use chemicals or salt, but use plants to filter the water. Pools are such a great way for kids to get exercise.

  53. When my dad was growing up his parents had an enormous pool in their basement! If everyone could have a pool year round to swim at, I think we would be much happier and be in much better shape. : )

  54. I am so jealous! What a great activity to have year round. Thanks for sharing.

  55. I thought it was great we could go outside without coats on the other day! What a great memory you captured!

  56. My son is counting down the days until the pool opens here. He is not happy that it is still 3 months away! Very envious, I need to move. Ohio is not conducive to swimming in the winter.

  57. I'm so jealous! And my kiddos would be, too. :)

  58. Our pools are all under a few feet of snow still. We couldn't open them for winter even if we wanted. lol. I am looking forward to the day that it is warm enough to go swimming again!

    1. Did you say "pools" as in plural? Would love to see what your backyard area looks like.

  59. As a person who cannot have a pool, I am quite jealous. And of warm weather, of course!

    1. Well don't be too jealous. I've spent my years in blizzards and cold weather when I lived in New Jersey.

      Florida was the right move at the time for a transfer when it came open.

  60. We swam all winter when we lived in FL. This brings back wonderful memories :-)

  61. I can't imagine the water being warm enough to swim in. :-) We've had a warmer winter, but I know I wouldn't have enjoyed swimming. Of course, I enjoy pretty warm water for swimming. :-)

  62. It's been in the 80's here on the Gulf Coast area of Florida. Believe me if it was too cold, I wouldn't have allowed the girls to get in.

  63. The first step in the water is the worst - once you're in it's fine! Looks like fun - thanks for sharing. :)

  64. 'Bummer I couldnt view the video:( We live in Florida and just enjoyed our first pool day as well. Love it!

    1. It's getting pretty windy here on the gulf side..

  65. glad she finally got in!! we are in a mild winter in ct but our pool is froze and covered for a few more months

  66. I got cold just watching that. LOL The kids are always the first ones in. :-) Just jumping in works so much better than inching in. After you can breathe again. :-)

  67. I wish I had a pool, period. Let alone a pool I could swim in during winter! That would be wonderful.

  68. we're in SoCal and moved here from N. CA...getting used to shorts and tshirts in jan/feb is just crazy

  69. Yea, she did it!
    Nice pool. I live on a windy sand dune so a pool wouldn't be very good. We do enjoy going to the hot springs a few hours away though. That is a wonderful get away for the day.

  70. Ha ha, it took a while, but she went for it. Good for her!

    Here in the Netherlands we're just about ready to change our winter coats for summer coats. Walking about in T-shirts? Oh, I'd LOVE to!!

  71. Lucky girls! I would love to have a swimming pool in my backyard. Although in the winter I would probably be doing my fair share of squealing even if the water was warm, the air was probably still pretty cold. Well, I guess depending on where you live.

    1. Well, they have been pretty lucky with the current weather. I was able to jump myself into the water the next day and didn't suffer too

  72. It's minus 10 out here today, I wish I had an indoor pool!

  73. I live in California and I did jump in our pool on Christmas Day one year- and I've never done it again!
    -Viva recently posted Homemade Pizza Dough

  74. I live in the Pacific Northwest so we just put on our bathing suits go outside and stand in the rain. lol Just kidding I would love having an indoor pool of my own. Easy2Save

  75. I live in Texas and we haven't had much of a winter. But I can be a chicken, even in the middle of the summer! Looks like fun, though....well kinda ;)

  76. Cute video! Can't wait for our summer here.

  77. Doesn't look like fun to me! :)

  78. It doesn't get warm enough for pools here until August!

  79. We're lucky enough to live in the tropics now and can swim year round outside! A HUGE difference from growing up in the North of England!

  80. It's been warm this winter, but not quite warm enough for a pool dip. Looks like fun!

    -Melanie from Melanie's Musings

  81. This looks like fun! It's not quite warm enough for swimming here yet, but it probably will be in the next couple of weeks.

    -Melanie from Melanie's Musings

  82. My son has already started asking for swimming..and he's only 4!!

  83. Oh that video is so funny. I love to swim but that looks a little cold to me.
    Shelly @

  84. Haha! Great video. I don't get to swim nearly as much as I'd like to. So much fun and good exercise too!

  85. I wish we had a pool but not an outdoor pool in the winter though! I'm thinking a nice warm 80 degrees outside or a hot tub would be nice!


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